
Waves 9 Complete for Mac 2017.09.18
Waves 9 Complete for Mac 2017.09.18

Waves 9 Complete for Mac 2017.09.18 Waves 9 Complete for Mac 2017.09.18

For example ANSYS (hybrid finite element simulation and CAD) works best on a single workstation and you want it to be fast so you can make quick changes. You see workstations like this in what I'd call "interactive simulation." Stuff where you're designing something complex via simulation and want to be able to rapidly evaluate changes. The machine I was using only had 32 GB of RAM so I had to open task manager and kill the app so I could re-start it because the meeting would have been over by the time it loaded due to disk caching. The other day I was giving a live demo of an interception proxy and accidentally clicked on a very large HTTP response. Running inadequate machines waste time of otherwise expensive engineers.

Waves 9 Complete for Mac 2017.09.18

If you are a researcher doing fuzzing, again, this sort of power is key to reduce a fuzzing run from maybe a month or two on a a high-end laptop to a few minutes. I work with some programs that if you are running anything under 64 GB of RAM you could be waiting all day for results and 256 GB is preferred but can still be sketchy as that may not leave enough for VMs. Load it up with some high-end GPUs as well for hash cracking. Powerful enough to run multiple VMs to simulate caching server, web server, app server, and database tier while simultaneously recording and as necessary tampering with all network communications while running static and dynamic code inspection tools across multiple VMs.

Waves 9 Complete for Mac 2017.09.18