
Download Zero Install 2.24.8
Download Zero Install 2.24.8

download Zero Install 2.24.8 download Zero Install 2.24.8

$ unzip gtk+-bundle_2.24.8-20111122_win32.zipīut, ATK, GLib and GTK+ versions bundled are too old for the latest GIMP. Here the fun begins, we have to go to many places to find gtk+ precompiled binaries.įirst, download from the GNOME ftp the GTK+ all-in-one bundle, it has many of the libraries we need. Let’s create the folder where our GIMP will be: $ mkdir /opt/gimp Now, let’s create our build directory: $ mkdir /optĬopy the whole content of Active Perl folder to this new folder. $ mingw-get.exe install msys-unzip Installing Perl Install them in the default path.Īfter that, open the mingw shell and install wget, openssl and unzip, so we can download things from the command-line: $ mingw-get.exe install msys-wget Install MinGW and MSYSįirst, use mingw-get-inst to install the latest MinGW and MSYS, choose to install C/C++ compilers and the basic development environment. Maybe this post can help people trying to compile GIMP and help developers to improve GIMP building process in Windows. I’ll describe here the step-by-step how to build GEGL and GIMP from Git. As part of my work to implement OpenCL in GEGL and GIMP, I have to compile it for Windows, and it’s no easy task.

Download Zero Install 2.24.8